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The aims of our study were to evaluate the cycle characteristics, including follicular phase length, endometrial thickness, monofollicular response, and pregnancy rate, of LTZ in CC failure PCOS patients in order to compare fixed dose of LTZ between cycle days 3 and 5 and to evaluate the hormonal changes during these two protocols. <a href=https://clomida.com/>b est days to take clomid for twins</a> 05 Stener-victorin E 2000 PCO rats EV EA 12 NGF Ovarian morphology - Stener-victorin E 2001 PCO rats EV EA 12 CRF Stener-victorin E 2003 PCO rats EV EA 12 NGF , ET-1 Stener-victorin E 2004 PCO rats EV EA 12 β -Endorphins NK cell, CD4 CD8 T cell - Zhang WY 2009 PCO rats DHEA Acupuncture 5 NEI, Ovarian morphology, ET, E 2 , T TSH, LH, P - Huang J 2020 PCO rats LE EA 14 AMH, PI3K, AKT , T, LH, LC3 II I Ovarian morphology - Gao W 2013 ETF rats Mifepristone Acupuncture 10 NEI, CCL2, CXCL8, uNK cell subsets Zhu S 2016 COH mice Gn EA 7 NEI, IGF-1 Wang S 2019 POF rats CTX Acupuncture 21 E 2 , PI3K, Akt, BCL-2 , BAX, FSH Ovarian morphology - Zhong H 2019 POF rats CTX EA 7 NF, LS, E2, AMH , PI3K, AKT, mTOR, S6K, 4E-BP1, FSH, LH.